Zora turns 3

Love conquers all.

The House of Lalchand-Zavidé observes two distinct and auspicious calendar cycles: Ridvan & Prime.

The Ridvan Cycle spans from April 19th to August 9th, encompassing a total of 13 noteworthy birthdays, events, and occasions. On average, every 10 days within this cycle presents a reason for celebration (lots of cake cutting).

In contrast, the Prime Cycle extends from October 31st to January 8th and consists of 11 significant events. This cycle is particularly relevant to the core unit of DLV, Lévy, and myself, as we find ourselves marking something almost weekly during this time (wedding anniversary, birthdays, homecoming etc).

Notably, the beginning of August carries special importance in our calendars. Specifically, the 1st of August honors the birthday of my mother-in-law, Savita R. Lalchand, the Matriarch, while the 3rd of August commemorates the birthday of Zora Pavlova-Hirst, the Zéva Matriarch.

In their own way, both of these Mothers have built each inimitable strand of our vast & extensive family that cannot be described in a mere post. My mother-in-law is the pillar upon which her children have come to their immense success.

Zora’s name is a Russo-Arabic name for “she who Dances at Dawn” and she’s brought so much joy and levity to our lives ever since she & Connor were paired as an inseparable duo. Not to mention that Zora has been the most wonderful wife & companion to Lévy and has given birth to their four beautiful pups, Max, Nova, Temple & Homi.

We did 3 separate cake cuttings for Zora, which you can see here. Enjoy the pictures below!

Savita R. Lalchand (née Khurana), along with her two children, Dr. Vidhi and Raunaq in the Lake District.

Queen Zora holding court

Zora’s birthday roast

our lamb cutting for Zorakins

an unbreakable duo

I like my look tbf

yes we got her a human cake as well- which was tasty

Josh, Zora’s stepbro, turned 20 on the 9th of August and we celebrated at Banana Leaf (Dr. V shot off early as she had a deadline)

Zeek signing out!!

Yá Baháʼu'l-Abhá: O Thou the Glory of the Most Glorious!