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  • A winning PhD Thesis!

A winning PhD Thesis!

Dr. V passes her Viva.

Vidhi passed her viva on Wednesday 10th May (the day after her parent’s wedding anniversary), meaning that she has officially passed her PhD and can now officially use the title Dr.

She has two more steps: a submission to the Red Door and then her traditional Cambridge graduation at Senate House.

She is working towards a NeurIPS paper deadline tomorrow but it was incredible as to how she was able to smoothly push through her viva and make it seem effortless (despite her propensity to do things last minute).

Victory drink

The second win came on Friday but that can’t be as disclosed yet because it involves the future plans (coming soon in some future edition fingers-crossed!).

This brings us to the hat-trick win. Dr. V won runner up for the G-Research PhD prize in Maths and Data Science from the University of Cambridge (the judges were Trinity Professors). It was a highly competitive prize and a huge validation for the previous week’s Viva (oral defense) of the Thesis.

PhD Theses are never graded since they are an unique piece of research but in an odd way, it felt like Dr. V’s thesis won a distinction.

the all-seeing Eye (Nazar) guards both Victory & Destiny.

Fascinating how it was somehow ordained that her final piece of academic examination still merited some sort of lasting acknowledgement.