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  • To live well and fully

To live well and fully

ablutions to Mnemosyne

My journey is that of an auto-didact; I’ve thought very deeply about many things. I’ve not always been correct but I’ve learnt from failures.

I had always internalised about how terrible it was to be wrong, to fail, to make a missteap but then it dawned on me that is the liberation, to adapt, to move forward, to experience.

Life is not material, it is energestic and experiential. Sahil Bloom’s excellent newsletter continues on this vein:

“memory dividends”

Throughout my life I always focussed on substantiating all materialism with deep and pervasive meaning. A bit like the French revolutionaries I veer between the culte de la Raison and culte de l’Être suprême. The former believes in rationality as the sole guide to life and the latter in that God is Virtue.

Lévy the Snow Lion at 6months

To live a life filled with love, laughter, meaning and virtue is perhaps the most difficult challenge of all. But the trick is not to focus on your life but on the lives of the people around you. Lévy has brought immeasurable joy to our lives and his family (the Lyor-Zéva bloodline) is now something that is his legacy (he also figures prominent in Dr. V’s thesis acknowledgement but that’s a whole other post).

I don’t want to drone on (the newsletter is growing in popularity whenever I inject a personal angle) but my “advice” to the reader is making “informed choices.” Don’t just choose but choose wisely; discuss, debate, reason and understand each and every particular action.

That may considerably winnow down your life (for instance I have no social media on my phone and I have installed Newsfeed Eradicators for all my socials on the desktop) but it does mean that one is increasingly living a life of quality not just “living.”

I’ll end here with the following picture:

Dr. V with Lévy’s son Homi, who belongs to her brother Ron. A full circle albeit Homi is a very naughty boy likes to jump up on the bed and mess it up :)