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  • Why the Indian Moon Landing is a global game-changer

Why the Indian Moon Landing is a global game-changer

the rise of the "Lunar Powers"

India Achieves Lunar Milestone: Geopolitical Implications

India achieved a remarkable feat on August 23rd, joining the ranks of lunar explorers by successfully landing on the Moon's south pole side—the fourth nation to do so, following the US, USSR, and China.

Chandrayaan may signal one of those turning points in history

This milestone carries profound geopolitical implications, akin to Tony Blair's concept of "tall nations" (Germany, France, Italy & previously the United Kingdom) coming together within the European Union. Just as the EU punches up against rival global giants, the emergence of these "Lunar Powers" signifies a new power bloc, mirroring the evolution of BRICS.

Lunar Colonisation, a not-so-distant dream

While skepticism may surround this grouping, these "Lunar Powers" collectively command the top five active-duty military personnel. As global tensions escalate, hard power often outweighs soft power's influence.

Post-Berlin Wall, a "Cold Peace" endured for 30-odd years until Russia's Ukraine invasion in 2022, altering global dynamics. Russia's subsequent isolation reshaped alliances, uniting historical rivals China and India into an expanding coalition. BRICS' extension includes Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Nigeria—an assembly of significant resources and nations.

the symbol of the Cold War, the Berlin Wall

India's lunar achievement highlights its global impact. Cost-efficient missions like Chandrayaan underscore India's proficiency. For instance, Chandrayaan-3's budget at $75 million pales in comparison to missions like China's Chang'e 4 ($2.4 billion), Russia's Luna-25 ($190-200 million), and NASA's Artemis program ($28 billion).

China’s Chang’e 4 achieved humanity first soft landing on the far side of the Moon

This cost-effectiveness stems from indigenous technology, small spacecraft, and efficient launch vehicles. It solidifies India as a major player, capable of conducting world-class missions economically.

Beyond economics, Chandrayaan's success is scientific. Chandrayaan-1 discovered lunar water, while Chandrayaan-2 enhanced lunar comprehension.

Chandra is the Moon deity in Hindu Mythology & is linked to the realm of the night.

In essence, India's accomplishment transcends space exploration—it signifies its ascent as a global power and the remapping of geopolitical dynamics.