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  • Happy birthday à moi

Happy birthday à moi

Reflection on 39

Today I celebrate my 39th birthday, and I intentionally scheduled this newsletter for dispatch at noon GMT*. Since technically, at that moment and in the hour, the entire world is on the same day (15.12), making this statement universally true**.

Reflecting on the past year, it's evident that it has been filled with noteworthy events anchored by Dr. V’s stint in the US & the consequent frequent Trans-Atlantic commute. This constant back-and-forth feels like a delicate balancing act between two equally significant and meaningful lives in each "Cambridge" (UK & USA), with the Chennai spoke adding another critical dimension to my work.

09 September 2023; before we set off for the US

This newsletter was conceived by the beautiful mind of Dr. V in early February, as I was telling a very old friend of mine, “I never come up with original ideas I simply curate the best ones around.” This little missive has gradually transformed into a weekly must-write.

With almost 2,000 subscribers and an impressive 90% open rate, it has become a platform for my most private and pertinent thoughts.

As a birthday gesture, I invite you to forward this newsletter to your five closest friends and family with a little write-up as to why you read me & encourage them to do the same, as organic growth from loyal readership is simply unmatched. (Also, thank you for your emails and kind replies; I do try to respond to each of them in a timely manner as they do mean a lot).

our little family, which has substantially grown over the years

The past year has witnessed significant milestones. Amidst the growth of my business ventures and the expansion of my corporate teams, I've also delved into various habit formation exercises.

While I've always been a decent chronicler, this newsletter has given me a unique opportunity to shape the narrative of my life. Turning 38 was particularly special, marked by the acknowledgment of a Vahid cycle (2 × 19 years in the Badi calendar), a numerically significant period that I highlighted in last year's Facebook birthday post.

shot when I was 38 & some bit

On my 39th birthday, entering my 40th year by some measures, I recall the realization that dawned on me when I turned 30—the recognition of a significant milestone passed. In my 20s, death felt distant, and time seemed limitless. However, entering my 30s brought an awareness of the eventual culmination of my earthly existence on the far horizon. In some ways, I feel this birthday is a preparation for what will be a seminal decade ahead of transformation and perhaps even triumph, I daresay?

Part 2 shall hit your inboxes next Fridayish!


* incidentally noon GMT time is around the time I was born since I believe I was born 2pm Kuwait time on a Saturday. Saturday is my favourite day of the week and it’s also the start of the Baha’i week.

** with the exception of a few Pacific Islands who opt to be on a different day zone for political reasons. Incidentally though GMT Noon is when most of humanity is awake (I always try to sprinke as much knowledge in most posts even when they are on personal matters).

all thanks to the Greatest Name