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  • Founding Charter of the Golestan Union

Founding Charter of the Golestan Union

Turan bursts to life

Founding Charter of the Golestan Union

We, the nations and territories united by history, culture, and linguistic heritage, hereby establish the Golestan Union, headquartered in the historic city of Samarkand. Rooted in the shared traditions of the Persianate Sphere, the Silk Road, and the Sanskrit Cosmopolis, the Golestan Union is founded to foster economic, cultural, and diplomatic collaboration among its members. The name "Golestan" symbolizes a flourishing garden, much like the interconnected civilizations of the region.

The suffix "-stan" originates from the Persian language, meaning "land of", and has been historically used to describe various regions across Central Asia, the Middle East, and South Asia. Additionally, the Sanskrit equivalent "-sthan", found in names such as Rajasthan and Hindustan, reflects the deep-rooted linguistic and historical connections between the Persianate and Sanskritic civilizations. The Golestan Union acknowledges these shared etymologies as a testament to the intertwined histories of its member states, particularly the sister civilizations of the Indo-Iranians.

The Persianate notion of justice, enlightened kingship, and courtly romances further embellish the foundation of the Golestan Union. Inspired by historical ideals of good governance, ethical rule, and poetic traditions, the Union shall strive to cultivate harmony, wisdom, and refinement in its diplomatic and cultural endeavors. These ideals, drawn from classical literature, such as Firdowsi’s Shahnameh and Nizami’s Khamsa, provide a timeless framework for governance and ethical leadership within the Golestan Union.

Article I – Name and Purpose

  1. The official name of the organization shall be the Golestan Union.

  2. The emblem of the Golestan Union shall be the Simurgh carrying the Persian Rose in its beak, with the flames of the Sun radiating out, symbolizing unity, wisdom, and the resurgence of an interconnected cultural and historical heritage.

  3. The capital and permanent administrative headquarters of the Union shall be Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

  4. The primary objectives of the Golestan Union shall be:

    • Economic cooperation and development.

    • Cultural exchange and preservation of historical legacies.

    • Diplomatic collaboration and regional stability.

    • Promotion of linguistic and artistic heritage.

    • Strengthening the values of justice, enlightened governance, and cultural refinement.

Article II – Membership

🌍 Full Member States (Sovereign "-stan" Countries & Strategic Members)

  1. Afghanistan

  2. Armenia (Hayastan) (Native name includes "-stan")

  3. Azerbaijan (Includes Gobustan, a historical "-stan" region)

  4. China (Includes Uighurstan/Xinjiang, historically linked to "-stan")

  5. Georgia (Gorjestan) (Persian name follows "-stan" pattern)

  6. India (Hindustan – Historical & Cultural Identity)

  7. Iran (Persia – Originator of "-stan")

  8. Kazakhstan

  9. Kyrgyzstan

  10. Pakistan

  11. Russia (Includes Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Dagestan)

  12. Tajikistan

  13. Turkmenistan

  14. Uzbekistan

🏴 Associate Members (Territories, Provinces, and Autonomous Regions with "-stan" or "-sthan")

  1. Kurdistan (Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey – unofficial region), Baluchistan & Sistan. The “Medians” come to life.

  2. *Uighurstan (Xinjiang, China – historical name for Uyghur homeland)

  3. Tatarstan (Russia – autonomous republic)

  4. Bashkortostan (Russia – autonomous republic)

  5. Dagestan (Russia – autonomous republic)

  6. Gobustan (Azerbaijan – historical "-stan" region)

  7. Rajasthan (Sthan) (India – historical and linguistic connection to "-sthan")

🌟 Cultural & Regional Members (Broader Civilizational Identities)

  1. Hindustan (For any South Asian country wishing to join under cultural identity)

  2. Arabistan (For any Arab country wishing to join under cultural identity)

  3. Turkestan (For any Turkic country wishing to join under cultural identity)

  4. Turanistan (For the broader Steppe-Iranic world, covering Iran, Central Asia, Caucasus, and nomadic heritage of the Far East, Ural-Altic)

  5. Sakastan (A cultural region for Scythia at large, allowing Eastern Europe and broader steppe regions to participate)

  6. Moghulistan (Allowing North East Asia to be part of the cultural and economic sphere of the Union)

Article III – Cultural and Educational Exchanges

  1. The Union shall establish programs to stimulate intra-regional cultural exchanges between member states.

  2. A School Exchange Program shall be implemented across all levels of education, allowing students from primary, secondary, and higher education institutions to travel and experience different cultures within the Golestan Union.

  3. The Union shall promote academic collaboration, including faculty exchanges, research partnerships, and historical preservation projects.

  4. Annual festivals and literary symposia shall be organized to celebrate courtly traditions, poetic heritage, and shared histories of the Persianate and Indo-Iranian civilizations.

Article IV – Official Languages
The official languages of the Golestan Union shall be Persian, Sanskrit, Hindustani (Urdu & Hindi), Arabic, Turki, or English. Additionally, all national languages of member states may be used in official proceedings.

Article V – Flag and Symbols

  1. The official emblem of the Golestan Union shall be the Simurgh carrying the Persian Rose in its beak, with the flames of the Sun radiating out, representing wisdom, unity, and the continuity of civilization.

    The emblem of the Golestan Union shall be the Simurgh carrying the Persian Rose in its beak, with the flames of the Sun radiating out, symbolizing unity, wisdom, and the resurgence of an interconnected cultural and historical heritage. The rose that the Simurgh carries is the dream of Turan, ready to burst into life again and flower.

  2. The flag of the Golestan Union shall incorporate a stylized Persian Rose at its center, surrounded by traditional geometric patterns reflecting the architectural and artistic influences of the region.

Article VI – Amendments and Ratification

  1. Amendments to this charter require a two-thirds majority vote by the Council of Golestan.

  2. This charter shall be ratified by all full members and enter into force upon the signing of the founding document in Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

Adopted in Samarkand, on this historic day, by the founding members of the Golestan Union.


Article V – Economic and Military Alliances

  1. Economic Integration Strategy

    • The Union shall implement a phased integration plan for capital, trade, and mobility:

      • Phase 1: Free movement of capital.

      • Phase 2: Free trade and tariff elimination.

      • Phase 3: Free movement of peoples.

      • Phase 4: Infrastructure and transport connectivity.

  2. Political and Military Alliances

    • Member states shall progressively demilitarize internal borders.

    • A Regional Security Council (RSC) shall be established to coordinate defense and conflict resolution.

    • A collective peacekeeping force shall be developed to replace border militarization.

Article VII – Annual Summits & Diplomatic Coordination

  1. The primary summit of the Golestan Union shall take place on Norouz, the precise astronomical moment of the vernal equinox, marking the renewal of civilization.

  2. A second summit shall be held during the Naadam Fair, around the Summer Solstice, celebrating the Turanian heritage alongside Iranian influences.

  3. A third summit shall be held on October 25, in honor of Timur’s birthday, recognizing his historical impact on the region.

  4. A fourth and final annual summit shall take place on Yalda Night, symbolizing endurance and the triumph of light over darkness.

  5. Each summit shall include cultural games and competitions, fostering sportsmanship and artistic exchanges among the member states.

  6. Samarkand shall serve as the permanent diplomatic capital of the Golestan Union, housing the embassies of all member states and functioning as the center for mediation, negotiations, and international cooperation.

Adopted in Samarkand, on this historic day, by the founding members of the Golestan Union.